Cornett’s Corner

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2022-07-06T09:19:37-04:00July 7th, 2022|Cornett's Corner, MSHA|

Mine Operators on Notice: 3 Biggest Takeaways from MSHA's Latest Quarterly Call Fisher Phillips MSHA just held its latest quarterly stakeholder call to put mine operators ... to the firm's

Poster: Who Are We

2022-07-06T09:06:16-04:00July 7th, 2022|Cornett's Corner, Posters|

Team – Who do we look to and who are we to others? Some interesting questions on this morning. I bet we can all name one or some of each

Toolbox Talk: Safe Guarding

2022-07-06T08:41:25-04:00July 6th, 2022|Cornett's Corner, Toolbox Talks|

“SAFE GUARDING” Accidents involving unguarded machinery and equipment often result in disfiguring type injuries, amputations, and death. Safeguarding is your first and best defense against these types of accidents. Safeguarding

Poster: Leadership

2022-07-06T08:34:41-04:00July 6th, 2022|Cornett's Corner, Posters|

Team – Hopefully, most of us take a few minutes today for ourselves. Our new President/CEO often speaks about his Big 3 and I believe they align wonderfully with a

  • mine safety news

Safety Tidbits

2022-07-05T09:09:50-04:00July 5th, 2022|Cornett's Corner, Safety Tidbits|

To read the full newsletter, click here. Don’t Judge Too Quickly… better yet, Don’t Judge at all! A lady in a worn, faded dress and her husband, in a threadbare

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