
About Heidi

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So far Heidi has created 6738 blog entries.

Toolbox Talk:Shortcuts

2024-09-10T09:11:44-04:00September 10th, 2024|Cornett's Corner, Toolbox Talks|

Toolbox Talk: "Shortcuts” A man by the name of Louis Binstock once said, “Too often the shortcut, the line of least resistance, is responsible for evanescent and unsatisfactory success. ”

Safety Tidbits

2024-09-10T08:25:23-04:00September 10th, 2024|Cornett's Corner, Safety Tidbits|

Safety Tidbits-Click here for this week's Safety Tidbits containing information about heart disease in women. Heart Disease, a leading killer, is the Number One Killer of Women. Each year, about 1.1

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