Toolbox Talk: How important is the hand ???

– The hand is one of the most complex parts of your body – the movement of the tendons, bones, tissues and nerves allows you to grip and do a wide variety of complex jobs.

– Without your hands it would be extremely difficult to do routine simple tasks, such as opening doors, using a fork, or tying your shoes.

– Your hands make you a skilled, valuable worker.

– The improper use or misuse of hand tools cause minor to serious hand injuries.

Hand Injuries

– Hand injuries are likely when the wrong tool is used or the right tool is used improperly.

– Hand injuries can be associated with working with machinery or equipment.

– The materials being used or the job process might be hazardous.

– Hand tools or powered hand tools may be faulty or improperly used.

Hand Injury Causes

The most common causes of hand injuries are:

– Carelessness

– Lack of awareness

– Boredom

– Disregard for safety procedures

– Distractions

Hand injuries are difficult to repair because of the complexity of the hand

After a hand injury, the hand may not function as it did before the injury due to loss of:

– Motion

– Dexterity

– Grip

– Ability to complete the simplest of tasks

Hand Injury Prevention

To avoid hand injuries:

– Know the hazards and dangers in the job to be done

– Be aware of pinch points

– Be aware of hot areas

– Be aware of rotating or moving surfaces

– Automated machinery may be controlled by remote control, or delayed timing devices that cause the machine to start automatically.

– Loose clothing and jewellery may be caught up in moving machinery.

– Never remove machine safeguards or operate machinery with safeguards removed.

“To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe” Marilyn vos Savant

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