Fatalities Down Sharply So Far This Year
By Jack Kopanski| April 10, 2024
Mine fatalities are down dramatically this year, with three such incidents as of April 10 and none reported by the Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA) since March 1.

Fatal accidents are down 80 percent on the year versus 2023, when MSHA reported 15 through April 10. MSHA attributed six of those 15 accidents last year to machinery. Three were characterized as powered haulage accidents, and another three were described as electrical accidents.

Twelve of last year’s first 15 fatalities happened at surface mines, while three occurred at underground mines, according to MSHA.

Of the three 2024 fatalities reported thus far, all of them happened at surface mines. MSHA classified two of the incidents as powered haulage accidents. The agency characterized the other as an accident involving machinery.

The first mine fatality of 2024 was recorded on Jan. 2 in Hidalgo, Texas. The second happened Jan. 29 in Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, and the third took place March 1 in Hamilton, Florida.

Additionally, the 2024 fatality mark is below the year-to-date totals for 2022 (12), 2021 (8) and 2020 (5).

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