Town of Harrisburg Public Works Department: Receives First SHARP Recertification- NCDOL

By Meredith Watson, Public Information Officer
On Monday, March 25, the Town of Harrisburg Public Works Department received their initial recertification in the N.C. Department of
Labor’s (NCDOL) Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP). The ceremony took place at the Barn at Frank Liske Park,
where Labor Commissioner Josh Dobson provided brief remarks and presented the group with a certificate and a flag.
“Congratulations to the Harrisburg Public Works Department on receiving your initial recertification for the SHARP designation,” Labor
Commissioner Josh Dobson said. “Your commitment over the years not only to the safety and health of your employees but also as a service
provider to the citizens of the Town of Harrisburg is not something to be taken lightly. You all work extremely hard to keep an entire community
healthy and safe. Thank you for the work you do.”
This specific designation falls under the Public Sector SHARP program, which recognizes certain categories of public sector employers who
have developed and maintained effective safety and health programs. Current categories include: school maintenance, public works, sheriff
and police, public utilities, fire, EMS and parks and recreation.
The Public Works Department is a service provider for the residents of the Town of Harrisburg. The department helps maintain properties or
infrastructure owned by the town, provides stormwater and sanitation services and oversees more than 60 miles of streets and sidewalks that
are town-maintained.
“The Harrisburg Public Works Department takes pride in the fact that employee safety is a major component of every task the department
conducts,” said the Town of Harrisburg Safety Consultant Debbie Rogers-Lowery. “Many of our employees not only work but also live in
Harrisburg. The pride they take in keeping their community beautiful is evident as you drive through the town. Achieving the Occupational
Safety and Health (OSH) Public Sector SHARP designation is the result of the efforts put forth by our employees everyday toward their
personal safety and the safety of their coworkers.”
If you are interested in learning more about the SHARP program, please visit our website, or contact Kevin O’Barr at 919-707-7804

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