How AI Can Transform Safety and Reduces Accidents
The technology will elevate predictive, proactive, and data-driven approaches that could significantly diminish accidents. By:Harsh Murari, Manufacturing.Net, Sep 5, 2023

In recent years Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a formidable force driving innovation across industries. AI’s omnipresence is undeniable, from finance to healthcare and logistics to entertainment. A prominent area where AI is making significant inroads is in the sphere of workplace safety.

The old guard of workplace safety—comprising manual checks, reactive responses, and intuition—has been reimagined. Now, with the infusion of AI, we see the rise of predictive, proactive, and data-driven approaches that significantly diminish accidents.

Among the plethora of AI tools making waves, Vision AI has elegantly taken the lead, favored for its adaptability, scalability, and growing adoption. Rather than a fleeting trend, Vision AI represents a foundational shift towards elevating workplace safety standards and mitigating risks.

Understanding the Need
Let’s have a look at some insights that indicate why we need to change our approach when it comes to workplace safety.

Each year, the reports on workplace accidents are distressing. Thousands of incidents, some minor, others severe, or even fatal, are recorded. An in-depth look at these statistics provides a sobering picture of the current safety landscape and stresses the immense potential AI holds in altering this scenario for the better.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates there are around 340 million cases of occupational accidents and 160 million cases of work-related illnesses in the world annually. ILO also estimates that 2.3 million workers die from occupational accidents or work-related diseases each year; this corresponds to over 6,000 deaths daily. Click here to read the full article on this interesting topic as published on Manufacturing.Net- Sept, 2023.