Let’s shout it from the mountain top or tell it to as many folks as will possibly listen! Has anyone figured out what the “it” is yet? I bet some of us already have, because we’ve been writing or reading these blurbs every day for a long time. (weeks, months, years even?) IT’S SAFETY!!!

How would we feel to see something and not say something? None of us would want the shame and guilt associated with saying nothing if we knew about it, the problem is that in most cases people walk on and say nothing and then it’s later before an incident or injury takes place.

What we need to do is give immediate and direct feedback concerning the positive as well as the negative. Correctional/constructive feedback isn’t always the most pleasant to receive at first, but it grows on us; especially when we want to understand it and better yet, learn from it.

Let’s share safety today to as many as will listen.

Thanks for the share, PT!