Let’s reset our norms this week. Schools, churches, sports, and more are opening back up and with these events comes the opportunity for exposure. We can’t get comfortable “hoping” we don’t catch something. As everyone already knows, we (my family) hosted a rather large event recently for my daughter’s wedding and even with our intended plans and protections; all effort were lost as the group continued to grow.

That’s why we need to reset our norms. Sure we need to protect ourselves as we always have, but we also need to MONITOR OUR HEALTH – ask ourselves how we’re feeling. WEAR OUR MASKS and DISTANCE every chance we have. KEEP UP WITH WHO WE’RE AROUND – just in case we have an exposure and lastly ANSWER THE PHONE – we never know when someone might be calling us to report a known exposure.

These are all safety related things and to be honest, safety related things are what we do best! Thanks for making TODAY another ZERO-INJURY day!

Thanks for the share, PT!