Have we ever felt like a “lost ball in high wind” or how about a “little fish in a big pond?” I bet we probably have at one time or another; at least for the lion’s share of us. Finding ourselves or another person in these conditions can be difficult and it honestly requires a lot of intentional effort. It’s just like if we were going to locate “Waldo” in the picture above. We couldn’t just happen to see him, we’d have to look closely and intentional seek to find him.

That’s how it is with safety and safe working procedures as well. It’s not just going to happen by chance. Safety – WORLD CLASS SAFETY – requires our 100% intentional effort, 100% of the time! I said it earlier this week and I think it’s worthy of repeating, “If we want to be the best we need to perform like we’re the best!” We need to insist of the most safe things and we need to accept nothing less.

Thanks for reading along and supporting our journey; today is our next opportunity.

Thanks for the share PT!