Is right now the best time to go? Is it the best time to do? Is it the best time to gather? What Social Activities should we be doing, starting, restarting, or continuing? We could say “what the heck” and do what we want; however, that is NOT the best thought or action concerning these events, scenarios, and situations. What we do know is that the virus is still among us. Some might say it’s not that bad, while others have lost loved ones because of it.

The reality is…

  • when we can’t swim – we stay out of the deep end
  • if our dog bites – we lock it up and/or put a sign on the fence
  • if we want to cross the street – we wait until it’s all clear or we use the crosswalk correctly

These are just a few “hazards or hazardous conditions” that we automatically identify as life changing if/when we don’t take or make some additional action. The same goes for this virus. We have to do something to keep from allowing it to change our lives or the lives of those we care about. Cleaning, hygiene, distancing, and masking is what I like to call “THE FAST FOUR.”

Thanks for the share, PT!