Thanks to everyone that sent me this meme yesterday; apparently it was all over the internet. It’s kind of funny and kind of sad all rolled up into one picture. Funny – because that’s a whole lot of wishes this whole COVID-19 pandemic was over and gone. Sad – because we’re wishing our lives away. Our lives might seem tough in this moment, but we won’t be here for long. We’re on a journey and our here and now is a mere snapshot of a spot in our immediate past. Let’s not wish our lives away; instead, let’s find hope, peace, and love in the present. Most importantly, let’s continue seeking to be the best we can be.

When I think about “best” I think about being healthy, safe, and secure. We sustain these through intentional actions only. Let’s be intentional about being our best today!

Thanks for reading, sharing, and supporting everyone’s health and safety.

Thanks for the share, PT!