Now more than ever we’re thinking about everything we put our hands on or into. It’s becoming more and more obvious with every day. As a people, temporarily or perhaps even indefinitely we need to stop touching. For those self-quarantined it’s probably not as big of a deal as to those still going and doing with a greater risk of exposure. In either case, SANITIZE! Sanitize after each and every contact. Our hands seem to be one of the best routes of transmission there is. We know the disease manifests itself in droplets from a cough, sneeze, or someone else’s hand in their mouth and then contact with another or something someone else makes contact with.

Take a look at the poster above and be sure to sanitize after every touch. By the way, we’re talking about our hands primarily; hand safety has always been our focus and now – more than ever – we need to protect them!

We’re all on the same team today – the ZERO INJURY/ILLNESS TEAM. Remember, our safety is our responsibility!

Thanks for the share, PT!