It’s 7 thru 9 today! I hope everyone is enjoying this quick look into inspirational leadership as I am. So many leaders in my life (past and present) come to mind as I study these traits. How about you? I believe we’re all leaders in so way, shape or form and as leaders we need to be developing ourselves to become the very best we can. Effective leadership cannot be measured merely upon the results of the team, it’s also important to measure engagement, involvement, and morale.

As safety leaders, we need to get away from or at least reduce the priority of compliance based models and focus more on our teammates. It’s a well-known fact that our behaviors, attitudes, and actions are a result of our self and our self is well below or behind the information we traditionally get through an incident investigation. This is why we have to KNOW – TRULY KNOW and care about each other.

Every second, every minute, every hour, every task, every day, every week, every month, every year requires safe choices. We have to make them because we understand what might happen if we don’t.

ALL HANDS ON DECK – Let’s make today a perfect ZERO INJURY day!

Thanks for the share, PT!