How are we doing on those personal resolutions? Let me give us a hint, in order to truly make a difference (to change) we must open ourselves to new ways of thinking. Go about a certain result differently or tactically. We have great friends, great teammates/coworkers, great churches, great companies, and most of all great families; all of which desire and expect us to be around for a while. That’s why “HEALTH and WELLNESS” has to be an initiative in the coming year. I certainly know it will be for me. (different than any previous year before)

Today is our day of rest and as we like to say, our day of rest and renewal. Not only for our physical bodies, but also our minds as well. Make sure to spend some down time just to give our whole bodies a moment to check up, calibrate, and reset. Even if it’s only 15-30 minutes, make the time.

For those of us working today (and there are many) keep our eyes and minds on task because we all know how easy it is to become distracted by both on and off the job situations.

Let’s prepare ourselves for ZER0 INJURIES.

Thanks for the share, PT!