Our 2020 Team Safety Resolution is coming out on Monday and it’s important to understand what a resolution really is intended to do. By definition a resolution means, “to firmly decide to do something.”  As we’d all imagine, our Safety Resolution will be related to safety actions, attitudes, and behaviors; but just for fun I’ve placed a New Year’s resolution generator I found on the web to help us make those personal resolutions as well. (Sure to make us smile).

As for safety, we’ll have a lot of stops, starts, and continues in the first column. The second column is action and that’s where the strength of any resolution actually comes from. Remember, a plan without action rarely achieves its intended result.

So start thinking about improved health, wealth, and happiness. Ask what can we do differently this year that will make us better individuals as well as a more safe team?

More on this tomorrow, and for today… LET’S BE THE MOST SAFE POSSIBLE!

Thanks for the share, PT!