What are we doing for others? Are we volunteering some hours to a local food bank, ball park, or the Red Cross? Are we giving blood every opportunity we have? Remember, our effort in this life should be bigger than our immediate and individual selves. Let’s look for the next opportunity. The same goes for safety – let’s look for the next opportunity and that just so happens to be today.

In fact, let’s find someone to share a story with; remember the last time we were working in the garage, on the car, in the yard, on that project, etc. and bumped our hand, elbow, forehead, etc.; sure it hurt, but it could have been worse. Sharing our stories helps others relate and trigger on conditions BEFORE they create injury.  That’s why we share!

Trigger on conditions and behaviors that can lead to injury if left unchanged. – THANKS!!!

Thanks for the share, PT!