Do any of the words shown above depict what we’d consider our strengths in regard to safety? I’d say yes – every time to every word. Let’s do a quick self-check on a few…

Success – Absolutely defines us, it’s a goal; however it’s also checkpoints along our ZERO JOURNEY.

Improvement – Oh yes, at times it would seem like everyone and everything is getting better. (Thanks to everyone for that, by the way.)

Reputation – I can’t say enough about this one. We’re making a difference and others know it, our reputation is known for safety and our example proves it.

The same could be done with the other words as well. Our safety culture is strong and that strength helps us do so much more. Remember, to be #1 we have to perfect in all three; SAFETY, QUALITY, and PRODUCTIVITY. It all begins and ends with safety.

Be the difference maker on the team – LEAD for zero.

Thanks for the share, PT!