Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) joined U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta for a mine safety tour of ICG Beckley, LLC’s Pocahontas Beckley Mine in Raleigh County, WV. Officials from the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), which is an agency within the Department of Labor, also participated in the mine safety tour. Following an approximately 30-minute ride in a mantrip that transported the group underground, Secretary Acosta and the Senators observed first-hand the operation’s continuous mining machine, which employs a large rotating steel drum equipped with bits to extract coal from the seam. Installed on the continuous mining machine is a proximity detection system, which can detect the presence of personnel or equipment and avert pinning or crushing accidents … Click here to read more and for more news from The Mine Line.