Cornett's Corner

Toolbox Talk: Safety Resolution

“Safety Resolution”
1. We resolve…to accept responsibility for our safety and to help others around us do the same. Each person must examine his/her attitude towards safety. Do we recognize that we must take responsibility for our own safety or do we think that “stuff just happens?” We have a lot of control over what happens to us.

2. We resolve…to take time for safety every day. How much time does it takes to be safe? Sometimes, it can take quite a bit of time to maintain equipment, review the job to understand the hazards that must be controlled or abated, gather the proper protective equipment, and ensure that everyone is trained for the work. If we recognize that these tasks are part of the overall job and not just “safety add-ons,” we’ll find that we will make the time to be safe. Technically the amount of time to be safe is really the amount of time it takes to get the job done. There’s no time for short-cuts when it comes to safety.

3. We resolve…to make safety a team effort. Even when working alone, as many field workers do, safety requires a team of people to make it happen. Think about the people who design our work. Do they understand what the hazards are? Maybe not. What can we do to help them gain greater understanding? What about others who do the same type of work and also work alone? We must find ways to share our ideas about safety with them every day. We must discuss safety in our team and huddle meetings.

4. We resolve…to recognize and control all hazards we encounter on the job and at home. Hazard recognition and control is the foundation of a safe workplace and a safe home. We must train our minds to recognize hazards that we may have walked by day after day or even year after year. Then control the hazards we see by guarding them then fixing them.
We must do the same at home.

5. We resolve…to adapt to changes in technology, training, and techniques to be safer workers. We may have done our jobs for many, many years without injury. Past success isn’t always an indicator of future safety. Situations change, times change, we change. We must think about the technology that we use in all aspects of our lives. What new technology is available to help us do our job in a safe manner? Are we still learning everything we can to do a better job? By being willing to consider new ideas and implement appropriate change, we can eliminate injury in our workplace.

6. We resolve…to get involved in the safety process. One of the hallmarks of a safe workplace is employee involvement.
We know our job better than anyone else. We understand the hazards and how to protect ourselves. What are we doing to share this information with others? We can get involved by conducting a vehicle or equipment inspection, inspecting our work facility, reporting a hazard, leading a safety meeting, or any number of other activities. We must consider the contributions we can make so our workplace will continue to be a safe one.

7. We resolve…to be safety champions. Who is a true champion for workplace safety? What are the qualities this person exhibits? A champion is one who does all that he or she can to ensure successful outcome of the goal. If we focus on the goal of zero injuries in our workplace and do what we can toward that goal, we are safety champions. We can make a real difference. Safety is a never-ending process. While we can set numeric goals and track statistics, we never “arrive.”
The safety goal starts over every day, every job. We must resolve to reach the goal that nobody gets hurt at any time.
We have what it takes to make a difference in the safety of ourselves, our families, and our co-workers.

“You can do what I cannot do, I can do what you cannot do, together we can do great things.” Mother Teresa”

Thanks for the share TO!


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