Tool Box Talk: SAFETY – Where Silence is not Golden

“Silence Is Not Golden”

If you don’t understand, ASK??

Sandy usually sat at the back of the room for safety meetings and kept her head down same as she did at school so she wouldn’t be called on.

She listened to what her supervisors and co-workers said, but she never participated in discussions, offered suggestions, or asked questions. That just wasn’t Sandy.

Usually, however, she learned what she needed to learn to perform her job safely. But one day there was a meeting about an important new procedure.

The supervisor kept emphasizing the hazards and warned everyone to be very careful.

Sandy wasn’t sure she really understood what she needed to do. But true to form, she kept quiet and left the meeting without asking some important questions that had been running through her mind.

A couple of days later, Sandy had an accident. The incident involved the new procedure. She’d failed to take the proper precautions and ended up with a serious injury.

The point of this story is simple:

If there’s anything about your safety that you don’t understand – ASK??.

Ask your supervisor privately if you feel more comfortable than in a meeting.

But please, don’t ever let information that affects your safety go by without understanding what you need to do.

And a bonus quote from Muhammad Ali:

“Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, and a vision.”

Thanks for the share, TO!


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