If you were asked to define “safety” in one word, what would be your reply?
Would you define safety as alertness, always ready for the unexpected?
Would you define safety as skill, the art of being ultra-adept?
Would you define safety as experience, asserting that the veteran never gets hurt?
Would you define safety as cooperation, the ability to exercise patience and get along with your fellow worker?
Or after deliberation, would you finally define safety by using the single word “think”?
Perhaps Alertness, skill, experience and cooperation could be associated with safety; however these are subservient to the word “think” and must be construed as secondary definitions.
A well-known business executive has made the word “think” synonymous with success.
And as in other phases of industry, the application of the meaning of the word is also very necessary if we are to reduce the number of accidents and injuries.
As has been so often stated, ninety percent of all accidents are attributed to unsafe acts on the part of the worker, and failure to think before acting constitutes the cause of practically all accidents in this category.
A lineman doesn’t put cover-up on an energized line he is working near for the purpose of expediency, an injury is the result.
The lineman had not given thought to the original purpose of the cover-up and has suffered the unfortunate consequences.
Another individual, again for the sake of saving time, fails to don safety goggles for a project “that will only take a minute.”
Again, injury results because of failure to think of the possible negative results.
A truck driver is involved in an accident because he knew he had the right of way but failed to think that perhaps the second party involved would not recognize this established right.
Many accidents can be averted if we will discipline ourselves to give full thought prior to the application of our actions.
Think Safety—then, Act safely.
And a bonus quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson:
“It is impossible for a man to be cheated by anyone but himself.”
Thanks for the share, TO!
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