Tool Box Talk: Responsibility, Safety

Responsibility, Safety

Every person is the architect of their own fortune, good or bad, depends on the individual’s acceptance of personal responsibility.

At a young age, we are taught to assume responsibilities. (“Look before you cross the street . . . playing with matches is dangerous . . . be home before dark . . .”)

Even today, as adults, we still learn and decide whether to accept certain obligations. Young or old, we make individual choices.

When responsibilities are shunned or rejected, someone must cope with the results. Police officers, judges, juvenile officers, and social workers respond to most of these rejections in our society.

In safety, doctors, nurses, and funeral directors deal with the consequences of rejected responsibilities.

There are laws designed to spell out responsibilities for safety in the workplace, but actual performance of these obligations still belongs to you.

By accepting and practicing safety responsibility, you insure your future both at home and on-the-job.

You do the same for your fellow worker as well, because socially and morally you are responsible for preventing accidents to others as well.

If you see an unsafe act, never walk by- do something about it—point it out so others are aware and can avoid future mistakes.

Point out to other employees when safety isn’t being practiced. (IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE SOMEDAY)! After all, it’s their responsibility to prevent an accident to you as well.

Use good work habits—don’t be impulsive, and remember that hurry up can hurt!

Develop the attitude that “If I do something wrong, I’m going to get hurt!” Then do the job the right way.

If you are a supervisor—help new employees learn that safety is the rule, not the exception. Teach them proper safety responsibility before you turn them loose.

Practice leaving personal problems and emotional stress away from the job.

Remember that accidents don’t happen—they are caused.

Correct little mistakes before they grow into permanent bad habits.

While attempts may be made to cloud or reject the responsibility for safety, when all is said and done, safety responsibility is up to you.

You are the architects of your own fortune.

“Practice safety—don’t learn it through Accidental Experience.”

“Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his/her choices.” Alfred A. Montapert

Thanks for the share, TO!


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