Tool Box Talk: Overexertion Injuries

Overexertion Injuries

Overexertion injuries generally fall into two categories:

  1. Sprains – stretching or tearing ligaments
  2. Strains – stretching or tearing tendons or muscles

Overexertion occurs when the load, whether lifted, carried, pushed, pulled or otherwise handled, exceeds the limits of the human joint system doing the work.

Overexertion injuries have been associated with these activities:

  • lifting
  • repeated bending at the waist
  • bending at the waist with twisting
  • long term bending at the waist
  • pushing/pulling carrying
  • reaching
  • long term poor posture – sitting or standing

Some personal factors have been associated with overexertion injuries:

  • poor physical condition – losing the strength and endurance to perform physical tasks without strain
  • overweight

What do people say who have had overexertion injuries? …that they were:

  • moving quickly to perform the task
  • positioned in an awkward posture

So…Perform the task twice: Once with Your Mind and Once with Your Body

As you think about the task, determine what has to be done to perform it safely and then follow through.

Tips for Avoiding Overexertion Injuries:

  • Use proper lifting techniques
  • Assess the weight of the load (by observing or pushing)
  • Make sure your footing is stable and the path is clear
  • Keep the load as close to the body as possible)
  • Keep the back straight
  • Avoid twisting
  • Avoid heavy loads (lighten if possible)
  • Get help with heavy loads
  • If you have the option, push rather than pull
  • Do not over-reach while retrieving items
  • Arrange storage to facilitate safe retrieval of items
  • Reduce bending or take breaks during activities that requires bending or working in awkward positions

And a bonus quote from Bernard Montgomery:

“Leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence.”

Thanks for the share, TO!


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