Tool Box Talk: Lessons in Team Work

LESSON 1: Teamwork is birthed when you concentrate on “WE” instead of “ME”

Ask Yourself:

  • Does my ego stop me from being a good team player?
  • Am I able to judge the size of the team challenge?
  • Does it benefit others as well as me?
  • Is it worth dedicating part of my life to?

LESSON 2: Be mission conscious-The Goal is more important than the role

Always remember:

  • If you don’t know where you are going you will end up anywhere
  • Vision inspires team
  • When you see the big picture correctly you serve the team effectively

LESSON 3: Collaboration is multiplication; all union is strength, all discord is danger

Always remember:

  • Complementing one another is more important than competing with one another
  • True team members see themselves as a unit working together and never allow competition between team

mates to get to the point where it hurts the team

  • Effective delegation divides effort and multiplies results

LESSON 4: Committed and consistent; there are no half-hearted champions

Always remember:

  • Ordinary people with commitment can create an extraordinary team
  • You don’t have to be really gifted or talented to be committed
  • Commitment is usually discovered in the midst of adversity

LESSON 5: Consolidating communication; a team is many voices with a single heart

Always remember:

  • Open and candid conversation fosters trust
  • The more difficult a situation, the more important it is to communicate
  • Don’t let 24 hrs go by without addressing a conflict

LESSON 6: T-Together E-Each A-Achieves M-More

And a bonus quote from Ryunosuke Satoro:

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” 

Thanks for the share, TO!


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