Cornett's Corner

Tool Box Talk: Eye Examination

Eye Examination

Question 1:

A majority of workplace eye injuries happen to workers who were not wearing adequate eye protection.

Answer: True

Question 2:

Chemical burns are the leading cause of eye injuries in the workplace.

Answer: False

Chemical burns accounted for only 20% of the injuries. Nearly 70% came from flying debris, sparks and small objects striking the eye.

Of these, many were moving at high speed to embed in the eye.

Question 3:

If an object is embedded in a patient’s eye, do not cover the injured eye.

Answer: False

First, call for emergency help. After calling, the immediate first aid is to cover both eyes to prevent the injured eye

from moving with the healthy one. Remain as calm as possible.

Question 4:

After injury, the eye usually heals with no major long-term complications.

Answer: True

While TRUE statistically, small scars main remain, impairing vision; and, when eyes don’t heal, the result can be

total blindness!

Question 5:

Employers are required to provide face and eye protection to workers at risk for job-related

eye injuries.

Answer: True

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards require employers to provide suitable eye

protection to workers.

Question 6:

Protective eyewear must be properly fitted to be effective.

Answer: True

Question 7:

Training employees on the proper use of protective eyewear can reduce workplace eye injuries.

Answer: True

A large majority of employers provide protective eye equipment; however, a much smaller portion provide training

for its proper use.

Making sure workers USE the proper protection in the proper situation is just as important as providing the

protective equipment.

Question 8:

Construction workers are at a low risk of workplace eye injury

Answer: False

Construction, mining, and manufacturing have had the highest incidence of eye injuries in recent years.

Many injuries occur with both power tools (welders, grinders, drills) and hand tools (hammers and saws).

Question 9:

Workplace eye injuries result in millions of dollars of losses for employees and companies.

Answer: True

Question 10:

New occupational tasks can result in new vision needs.

Answer: True

A change in one’s job tasks may require different focusing abilities. This is especially true for workers over 40 years old.

Be sure to visit your optometrist for a thorough eye exam to assess how your vision, job performance and job safety can be enhanced.

Don’t Forget: Home and Recreation, Yard work, wood working, cleaning!

In addition to foreign bodies, eyes need to be protected against:

  • Harmful Ultraviolet (UV) Rays

Choose quality sunglasses that block UV light; clear lenses can be coated to protect from UV

  • Eyestrain Due to Computer Use

Use spectacles designed for a particular workplace situation

Prevent Injuries Before They Happen

Thanks for the share, TO! 


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