Driving Safety – Avoid Distractions
Driving is hazardous enough as it is being surrounded by massive pieces of metal moving at high rates of speed.
You can’t afford to take your eyes off the road. Every day it seems as if there’s a new way of distracting yourself while driving however.
When cars were first invented, they were bare bones vehicles designed for one thing – to get you rapidly from one place to another.
It wasn’t long before the first AM radio appeared in cars, which made long trips more pleasant.
Then came FM radio, then 8 track players and cassettes, then compact discs.
About fifteen years ago, cell phones become much more affordable and you began to see more and more drivers with one.
Now they’re in almost every car. Then came mp3 players. That was followed by the craze of text messaging with cell phones.
And now, car makers offer DVD players in the back seats for the kids as standard equipment on some models, and more and more people are having them installed up front so they can watch TV while they drive!
Notebook computers and wireless internet have made it possible to use computers and actually surf the internet while driving.
These are all things that take your focus off of the road, and many of them are so dangerous that it makes you wonder about the sanity of a person who would try them while driving.
The idea that someone can safely operate an automobile while watching a movie, sending a text message, or surfing the internet is ludicrous. It’s also very deadly.
Avoiding Distractions
There are many hazards beyond our control when we drive but there are also many things within our control.
These are primarily related to attitudes, feelings and habits which will impact whether or not we get to our destinations safely all the time.
We must recognize that we are always vulnerable even if we drive the same route every day.
Some of us drive from our homes for a long time yet we have various collisions at home simply because we become complacent and fail to remain fully focused.
The objective is to be fully focused no matter where we drive or for how long we have been driving.
“You are not required to carry the whole burden, nor are you permitted to put down your share!”
— WarrenBuffett
Thanks for the share, TO!
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