Cornett's Corner

Team Exercise, Drinking Cup

Click here for the Drinking Cup Team Exercise.

After I read the “Team Building Exercise” from TC I thought about one we did in a Spring Thaw several years ago.

It is done with a single piece of 8-1/2 x 11 paper. It was a good demonstration for us instructors or ones task training.

When you get all done your paper really works for a sanitary drinking cup that holds water.

The first round the instructor gave us instructions only in a lecture format and we couldn’t ask any questions, he also hid his paper out of our sight.

The second time around he showed us each step with his paper as well as a hand out to follow a long, what a differance and less problems. We sure did get the point of “Show and Tell” presentation together. We did it in a 30 minute segment. Have fun playing with your cup.

Thanks for the share CB! I have done this one. 


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