Predictive Safety: How to Increase your Attention Span and Stay Focused

Hey everyone,

It’s difficult to stay focused on work these days.

Spring is here, the days are getting longer and warmer. Many people are working from home, constantly trying to suppress the temptation to walk to the refrigerator and/or slam their laptops shut and run outside into the sun.

In any case, don’t slam your laptops shut. Just close them gently.

Here are 10 ways to increase your attention span and help you focus on work when you’d rather be doing something else:

  1. Use the Pomodoro method.
  2. Make to-do lists.
  3. Learn self-discipline.
  4. Meditate.
  5. Practice mindfulness.
  6. Work-out.
  7. Memorize poems.
  8. Read a book.
  9. Learn something new.
  10. Listen when people talk.

Yes, they’re all easier said than done. But some of these you can actually implement right now and start seeing results immediately. Learn more and see some examples by clicking here.

Now go be productive!


The Predictive Safety Team


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