Cornett's Corner

Poster: Unexpected Visitor

Team –
Our B team had an unexpected visitor in their Contractor’s shop earlier this week. Special thanks to ML and their team for allowing me to share. M’s comments are really worth sharing as well. He said, “Always expect the unexpected. You just never know what hazard is looming out there, and it will jump out at you when you’re least expecting it.” There’s a lot of truth to that; however in this particular case, “JUMP OUT AT US” takes a whole new meaning in the pictures above.

HAZARDS ARE EVERYWHERE! It’s our opportunity and duty to identify and control them accordingly. Let’s make today and ZERO-INJURY day!

NOTE: Just so we know, no gators were injured in the making of this safety blurb.

M also wrote, “We had seen the gator on Monday afternoon in our slag processing area, and he had backed himself into a drainage pipe. We left him there overnight, hoping he’d make his way back to the marsh. Well, he ended up in one of our contractor’s shop waiting for the guys in the morning. When they turned the light on, lo and behold, look what they found. Then somehow the guys got that rope on him, and walked him back out to freedom.”

Thanks for the share PT!


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