Poster: To Achieve/Grow

I recently had the privilege to hear several speak in relation to their expectations of Environmental, Health, and Safety Professionals. CU led it off Monday night with a great message. Among other things, he shared a brief list that we could relate to both on and off the job leadership.

  • Have the pulse of the team
  • Spend time with the team
  • Lead Courageously
  • Do it – evaluate it – change it – do it again

C’s brief charge focused on the need to keep moving forward. He said we “grow through our experiences” and that even the seemingly negative ones at the time can help make us better. That’s a message that all of us can use in our daily walks.

Great leaders are rare; however, we’re Blessed with them around here. Simply put, leaders care about the people they lead and as safety leaders we need to be doing everything we can to help move toward our goal.

Let’s be safe on purpose today!

Special thanks to CU for his example and for allowing me to share a few of my many notes.

Thanks for the share, PT!


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