Poster: THANKS

Today is a perfect day for humble gratitude. Thanks to everyone for doing their part in keeping on. For our medical teams especially, I know this has to be a difficult time – perhaps the most difficult in our lifetime. Also thank you to the leaders who are out there making the big decisions about the safety and well-being of the people. Lastly and certainly not least THANK YOU for the efforts made to protect yourself and those in your circles.

By now, we’ve probably already learned that governments, hospitals, and leaders cannot control this COVID-19 outbreak alone, it will take each of us doing the right things to get it in check. SOUND FAMILIAR? That’s what I’ve been screaming about safety for years. SAFETY IS PERSONAL! It’s not a fancy plan, protocol, procedure, or policy – IT’S ACTION. It’s 100% of the people 100% of the time!

We’re in this together and we’ll be stronger for it. As for today, do the right things well.

Thanks for the share, PT!


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