Team –
We’re all about some teamwork! Teamwork equals dream work is how the saying goes. Grandma always said, “many hands make for light work”; regardless of who said what or how we believe, I think we’d all agree that when times get tough, WE NEED EACH OTHER! Sure, some more needy than others, but everyone needs someone in their life.

That’s how it is with safety as well. We perform individually in a manner that protects us and those immediately around us. When the others around us (aka the team) do the same, WE WIN! Winning is working today without an injury. Injury-Free workdays are worth celebrating each and every time one occurs.

I’ll be working safe – everyone can count on that. Can I count on everyone to do the same for me? Today is the only day we need to worry ourselves with in the moment. Thanks for everyone’s ongoing support of safety!

Thanks for the share PT!


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