The Super Bowl is over and regardless of whether our team won or not, life goes on! The same goes for our lives regarding pain, difficulty, and disaster as well. If we find ourselves on fire we STOP, DROP, and ROLL; so we should be able to remember when we’re stressed to STOP, RELAX, and BREATH! Okay, I just made that up, but it makes sense to me. We can’t continue normal AND SAFE operations when we’re distracted by the may stressors of our live. One sure way to help our stress is to talk about it with a friend or loved one – that always seems to help.

Our safety requires our attention and anything that takes away from that increases the risk of incident and injury. Let’s all push back from our phone or computer for just a few seconds and take a few deep breaths. Let’s make today a stress-free and intentionally safe day.

Thanks for reading this morning and let me know if I can ever be of service. – Paul

Thanks for the share, PT!


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