Poster: Silly is as Silly Does

Yesterday I had the privilege to take my gaggle to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Some pre-planning on my part prepared us for almost everything. Who would have thought that I wouldn’t have checked the weather – silly me and my freezing family as we wondered through this “Natural Wonder.” In our prep time I discussed the recent “selfie related” deaths due to the visitor’s lack of awareness to the obvious dangers and/or complacency at its finest.

Picture one is of the beauty of this amazing canyon. It’s truly incredible, but to this old safety guy it was an accident waiting to happen. Picture two is of the two men that I spoke to regarding their lack of awareness to the risk. They just kept getting closer and closer to the edge for that “great picture.” The one told me “he doesn’t plan to fall” – Well no duh!!! They seemed appreciative, but just kept doing what they were doing and spoke to each other about me in what sounded like German. Picture three took the award in my book, not 100 feet from a posted warning these ‘rocket scientists’ were out to get the best selfie imaginable.

I took this picture and then whistled my group back together to reinforce our expectations. The kids didn’t understand “why we couldn’t do what everyone else was doing.” Friends, I bet we all know how that conversation went?!?!

Complacency drives the lack of awareness and this is contrary to who we are as safety champions. Wake Up Silly People!  Our safety demands our attention!

Notice: Thankfully no ignorant people were harmed in the making of this blurb.

Thanks for the share, PT!


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