Poster: Respect

Words like RESPECT, TRUST, and CARE don’t just happen because we meet someone new or add someone to our team. In fact, it often takes a while to gain, earn, or give them as well. We give respect and trust to those individuals that demonstrate their worthiness and the same could be said to receive them; but to care or caring for each other is Righteous. Not everyone does it; nor do they have any desire to start, but in the end it’s one of our greatest characteristics we can have.

So it is with safety! Caring for others enables us to STOP and/or say STOP when unsafe conditions or unsafe acts are present. Some would sit back and wait for other’s failure, but not us! Let’s step up, speak up, and PREVENT unsafe situations from creating incidents and injuries.

One safe today at a time!

Thanks for the share, PT!


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