Poster: Remember

Are we struggling with memory? Ever have one of those moments when we wait a minute to say something and then forget what it was all together? It’s kind of funny to think about and then again it’s really not that funny. We can enhance our memory through exercise, nutrition, rest, and what Einstein used to refer to as ‘not storing information that is readily available to look up.’ He wrote things down and categorized his thoughts to prevent the need to retain all the information. I believe we have his thoughts in our modern day smart phones. More readily available information in seconds than ever before in history.

There are somethings worthy of remembering though; things like, but not limited to: safety rules, policies, procedures, and protocols. Important dates too, like it being my birthday tomorrow. (Just seeing if you’re reading.) Details are easier to remember when we understand the “WHYs” associated with them. We’re taught “HOW” to be safe, but knowing “WHY” and ACTING UPON IT, ensures our injury free today.

Expect ZERO and accept nothing less!

Thanks for the share, PT!


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