Preparation is the key to continued success. We’ve all heard that even a broken clock is right twice a day; however to sustain success, to include safety success, we have to work at it. If we stay ready for safety, that’s half the battle already complete. Are we ready today?

Ready to work safe, help others, volunteer, speak-up, challenge the norm/complacency? All of these things help prepare us for the “next thing”; whatever that may be.

We get ready through communication, study, asking and answering questions, and most importantly learning from our own personal experiences as well as the experiences of others. That’s why it’s important for us to tell/share our stories. As silly as they may seem, they might just be the nugget someone needs to hear and practice in order to prevent chaos in their life.

Who knows? Just keep planning, preparing, and being ready for the next. Our next is today!

Thanks for the share, PT!


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