It’s nice to look back at a time when things were simpler. A time when all we had to do was take a test or play in a game. I know those things are very important, but in the greater game of life – they are really not that big of a deal. It’s really about those choices and decisions that come from the lessons learned preparing for, and playing in, those tests and games of old. 3 of my 4 kids came home to play in Marion Academy’s recent alumni games (volleyball and basketball) and it was good to see them all still playing so well. Melissa was a beast on the volleyball court and Alan and Jonny with the hoops. It’s safe to say that our Alumni ‘schooled’ our current teams quite nicely.

As for a lesson for us, we prepare today to perform today; however, we take what we learn from the win/loss or the good grade/bad grade to build in us an ability to improve. Continuous improvement is the way we sustain our successes, whether they are at work or home.

Thanks for reading along and for everyone’s ongoing safe actions. – Paul

Thanks for the share, PT!


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