Team –
This is so true and a great sign to place as a reminder for us all. I can’t remember a day when I didn’t learn something about something; that’s right, when we look for something to learn, there is always something out there. I used “something” a lot in the previous sentence because I don’t know what we’re all looking for specifically, but it’s out there to learn I assure you. Let’s see, for today, I want us to focus on learning something… HOW ABOUT SAFETY!?!? (As if you didn’t know)

Safety is awesome because once we learn something, we put it to action and then share it with others. We do safety because we care about ourselves and each other. It’s time to for perfection – that’s right – ZERO INJURIES is perfection as long as we’re learning a little along the j0urney.

By the way, our j0urney continues today!

Thanks PT for the share!


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