Poster: Good People

This world is full of all kinds of people; in fact, far more than we could ever list. We know there are good ones and bad ones just to start and it seems like the bad tend to out-number the good at times. Some of us might even be walking that fence in being a little of both. With all that said, let’s talk safety! Let’s talk good and bad – let’s talk two-wrongs don’t make a right.

We do safety because we care about ourselves and each other. Never stop doing right because of another’s wrong doing. Sometimes that’s easier said than done, but with safety it’s a little easier to see the adverse effect when people get hurt.

ZERO INJURIES means that we’ve protected ourselves and each other correctly. Let’s make safety intentional and not rely on luck to protect us.

Today is our next opportunity for excellence!

Thanks for the share, PT!


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