Poster: Fall Protection or PPE

Special thanks to PB for sending me this picture last week. It made me laugh out loud and I knew it would have to become a blurb for several reasons. Some might call it fall protection where others might call it mere torture? To be totally honest whatever we must, just get this guy down!!! As silly as this picture might look to some, others might have done similar things. Don’t raise your hands if you’re “that guy,” but maybe we’ve all done silly things like this in the past. Using the right tools and equipment for the job is critical to completing the task safely. Sure 999 times out of 1000 nothing happens, but what about the one?!?

We’re only as safe as we’re willing to be. Shortcuts, subpar equipment, and rushing create a huge part of our industry’s injury experience. (I’m speaking to manufacturing in general here.)

TODAY is the day for safety – now stop laughing at this picture and go be safe!

Thanks for the share, PT!


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