Does life ever seem to get ahead of us? Are our ducks in a row? The truth is, rarely – if ever, are we totally in control. That’s right, we have a lot going on in our lives AND even more going on all around us. To put it in safety terms – THERE ARE A LOT OF MOVING PARTS!

When we talk safety and moving parts, we think of guarding, don’t we? Well it works, protect us from the moving parts they will. Awareness is another sound control for moving parts – No surprises!

So whether it’s the stressors in life or the moving parts and equipment at work, we need to be more aware of our surroundings and guarded against all associated hazards. Remember, the hazards change as our actions do. Life and safety is an ongoing evaluation and control, coupled with a whole lot of communication.

Let’s make safety our way of life today!

Thanks for the share, PT!


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