It’s been at least 12 hours since I’ve reminded someone about the importance of washing their hands. It’s incredibly important! For some, we knew that already; however, for others it’s a totally new concept. For me personally, I’m somewhere in the middle. Think about it, how many times do we eat with our hands? I believe if we’d really be honest, most of us eat with our hands more than we’d care to admit. Eating and/or touching our face/eyes, are two of the fastest routes of admission for this virus. Here’s the cool part – WE’VE ALWAYS TALKED ABOUT PROTECTING OUR HANDS – just for other reasons. We’ve tried protecting them (our hands) from injury and now they (our hands) can protect us from illness. As we know, I rarely talk about “you, them, they, or others;” I believe in us, we, team, and together. As for today’s blurb, it’s simple – WASH OUR HANDS, often and thoroughly.

My eldest child Erica has always practiced excellent hygiene and we’ve always given her grief over it. Now her past routine is our goal and I can’t even imagine what her stepped up game looks like at this point. Cleaning, personal hygiene, and physical distancing remain the three (3) best and most efficient ways to protect ourselves and each other from illness. Let’s NOT forget these habits as we begin moving back to any sense of normalcy. Make these habits a part of the new norm!

Thanks for everything everyone is doing to help prevent illness. We’re in this together!

Thanks for the share, PT!


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