Poster: COVID Silly – But Serious Thought

We all, as leaders (safety, company, family, school, church, community) have an obligation to protect each other. The strange thing is that we’re trying to protect each other from something we can’t see, taste, smell, hear, or feel. All our normal senses are useless and that makes us at about a skill level ZERO. Even our experts in the form of doctors and scientists are unsure and in the “learning mode.”

We’re all new to this Novel COronaVirus with the IDentification number of 19. (aka COVID-19) Who has it, how do we avoid it, what do we need to do next, where do we go from here, and when will it be gone? These are all good questions; however, it’s still too early to really know for sure. The “Novel” part of COVID-19 can be defined as, “new or not resembling something formally known.”  That means we don’t have our normal bag, book, or box of data and experiences that we normally do.

What we do know is how to reduce the risk of spreading it. We (all people inclusive) need to put our masks on when we’re around others. Lastly, this virus affects people differently. Some who have it report little or no change; while others are dying from it. Let’s not assume we can get it and beat it; LET’S ALL protect each other.

Thanks for reading along and please Be Safe On Purpose today!

Thanks for the share, PT!


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