The COVID-19 virus manifests itself in the back of our throats. It gets into our system through our mucus membranes such as our eyes and mouth. In addition to distancing, cleaning, and hygiene; we need to stop touching our face. I can’t speak for everyone, but I had no idea how much I touch my face until recently. Either I have developed a new bad habit or I’ve had one all along that I never recognized.

Just like every other habit, it takes an active effort to change. It’s like our weight and/or health; if we want to improve ourselves – it takes an effort on top of a desire. As for safety, we need action! 100% of the team (family, community) 100% of the time. Errors equal opportunity for failure.

We’re at ZERO for a reason, let’s do our part to keep it that way today.

Thanks for the share PT!


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