With the numbers rising and the threat of exposure increasing throughout our communities, we have to become more intentional, vocal, and courageous. Let me explain, as a safety leader – in fact, as a leader in general we have to put our safety and the safety of our circles (teams, friends, families, communities) first. We need to place this group (to include ourselves) in our value system and not merely our first priority. By now, we all know our priorities take a hit every time something changes – OUR VALUES DON’T/WON’T!

These are unprecedented times and we can’t expect to just do what we’ve always done. We can’t get angry when given a directive that we don’t like such as, but not limited to masking and distancing. Sure we have “freedoms;” however, to secure those freedoms WE HAVE A DUTY to protect ourselves and others.

Let’s be the safest we can possibly be today! As always, thanks for reading, sharing, and supporting our journey!

Thanks for the share, PT!


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