Poster: COVID Inspire

We have to keep our heads up and eyes forward in order to stay on point. Setting and achieving goals is what we’re all about. This whole COVID-19 crisis has so many people out of work, confused, and in a panic. Even in the midst of uncertainty, we need to do what we know is best and that is to take care of ourselves and each other. It’s to complete our tasks (work and home) safely so that we can enjoy the quality of life we were intended.

We do safety because we believe that safety is the right thing to do. In comparison, we should stop touching each other, wash are hands more often and more intentionally, social distance ourselves (at least 6’), and finally stop touching our face. These seemingly simple things continue to be the main causes for the rising numbers of positive COVID-19 cases. Please – Please – Please adhere to the guidelines given by those in authority over us. Everyone is doing the best they can with this invisible adversary.

We are amazing safety champions and this is our opportunity to demonstrate it. Thanks in advance for everyone’s renewed safety commitment.

Thanks for the share, PT!


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