Poster: COVID Finding our Rhythm!

Finding our rhythm isn’t easy with all the changes we’re experiencing. Our lives really are different in the midst of this pandemic. The best thing we can do is to remain flexible and realize that we have not seen the last of the changes. Also remember, ALL THIS IS TEMPORARY! Sure, we’ll see some permanent changes to some things; however, for the most part we’ll eventually find our rhythm. In the meantime, lean on each other (figuratively, of course) for any needs, issues, and uncertainty. Build an online team, hold regular meetings to chat, call a friend, or perhaps even write a letter. (There’s a novel idea)!

As for safety, we need everyone focused on everything; because, the minute we take our eyes or mind off task we increase the opportunity of incident and injury. So regardless of the state we find ourselves in today, recognize it – understand it – and take action to change it as needed.

By the way, we’re doing great things – THANKS FOR THAT!

Thanks for the share, PT!


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