Poster: COVID Distancing Demonstrated!

I received this photo yesterday from DZ (aka “Hippie”) who works in our scrap yard. The picture comes from up in Illinois somewhere and it’s a great reminder about what we should be practicing regardless of what we’re doing. If we can use physical distancing – WE SHOULD!

The reality is that distancing might just be our safest form of protection from this virus. By now we probably know if we have it or not and the only thing that would change that is additional exposures. I know some exceptions might apply, but if we keep distancing ourselves, cleaning, and washing our hands BEFORE touching our face; we’re less apt to become yet another positive case. By the way, with all the talk of illness-awareness; please – please – please don’t forget the importance and significance of injury-prevention.

Special thanks to Hippie for sharing the picture today. Thanks to everyone else for reading, sharing, and for those actions that prevent illnesses and injuries.

Thanks for the share, PT!


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