It really doesn’t get any more basic this – “WASH YOUR HANDS.” We’ve probably heard it thousands of times in our past and more than likely by mom and/or grandma. Truth be told, I can’t remember my day ever saying it, but that’s probably a topic for another day all together. J For now, in today’s world as much as ever, washing our hands is an important part of staying virus free. Remember, washing them is more than merely rinsing them. Washing requires both time and intent for maximum effectiveness.
Just like with safety!! Safety also requires both time and intent. It’s been said that “safety takes longer” and while that might be true in the beginning, once safe methods, actions, and habits are formed; we become every bit as – if not more efficient. Let’s commit today to making sure we’re taking care of ourselves so that we can help take care of others.
We’re in this together and as always – THANKS!
Thanks for the share, PT!
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